Blood Analyzer Recipient

HomeBlood Analyzer Recipient

Levi’s Journey to the Stars

How a Handheld Blood Analyzer is Transforming His Life At the Raymond A. Wood Foundation, ... Read more
Nathan Johnson, latest recipient

Empowering Families: Nathan’s Journey with Craniopharyngioma and Diabetes Insipidus

Meet Nathan Johnson: A Brave Warrior, Age 5, Fighting Against Craniopharyngioma In May of 2021, ... Read more
Darren, A Craninpharyngimoa Survivor, suffered from a massive stroke after surgery.

Darren (12) Receives Medical Device from RAWF

Recently, the Raymond A. Wood Foundation provided a blood analyzer to Jialin, also known as ... Read more
Jess Betty Connor Brain Tumor Survivor

Jessica, a Germinoma Survivor, Faces Sodium Complications Later in Life

Survivors of hypothalamic-pituitary tumors pay a high price for survival. Many, through their lifetime, will ... Read more

A True Survivor – Meet Gadiel, RAWF’s Latest Blood Analyzer Recipient

Gadiel is described as a loving and strong six-year-old boy. On 3/6/2020, he endured a ... Read more

Meet Bostyn, Latest Handheld Blood Analyzer Recipient

Bostyn was diagnosed and treated for a craniopharyngioma brain tumor in the summer of 2021 and since then, daily labwork has been a requirement to manage diabetes insipidus, a condition, caused by the tumor or treatment, where the brain can no longer manage the body’s fluid balance. This can cause high or low blood sodium which can be fatal if not managed properly, but management of this condition is tricky.


11-Year-Old Aliyah, Craniopharyngioma Survivor, Receives Medical Device

2019 was a year that changed Aliyah’s life forever when she was diagnosed with the ... Read more

A Story of a True Warrior – Meet Evie McCollum

Evie is a craniopharyngioma survivor who also battles adipsic diabetes insipidus Evie McCollum is a ... Read more

Meet the Latest Handheld Blood Analyzer Recipient – Finn, age 6

On December 11, 2021, Finn, a six-year-old from Spokane, WA, was airlifted from Sacred Heart ER to Seattle Children's Hospital due to the complex growth of a tumor in his brain. which was causing vision loss and impaired brain function.


Meet Franklin Knowles, Our Latest Handheld Blood Analyzer Recipient

Meet Franklie Knowles, 10, our latest handheld blood analyzer recipient. Frankie was diagnosed with a pilomyxoid astrocytoma (PMA) when he was 6 years old and difficulty managing sodium levels have persisted long after almost all other tumor complication has stabilized. He has had several hyponatremic seizures that resulted in hospitalizations.

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