Caregiver Support: Redefining Thoughts and Regaining Your Power

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November is National Family Caregivers Month which is a time to recognize and honor caregivers while raising awareness of caregiving issues. We took some time with Crystal Carnahan, a certified life coach, who focuses on helping women prioritize themselves to expand into more joyful living, to talk about mindset in caregiving.

Crystal went from a barstool and bottle of vodka to a yoga mat and the clarity that she no longer needed substances to alter her perspective. She could do it on her own in a more holistic and healing way, by integrating the three dimensions that tend to get lost in the “busyness” of life. Mind, body, and a little spunk with a side of sass!

The evolution came in her life when she realized that she wanted to bring more to those she served and on a much different level. After her mom passed away, she knew one thing to be true, that the mind/body connection is POWERFUL and we can use it to guide us or we can ignore all signs and wait for things to happen. Through her signature process, she takes clients from always putting themselves last to making sure they prioritize themselves first and foremost! She helps them set boundaries around relationships and loved ones that are challenging and will open doors of support, or lose the person who is not ready be that for you. She changes the way her clients see themselves in their life so they can expand into a more vibrant and joyful living! Her passion is to give women a choice and a voice for themselves and their needs. To support them on a journey to self-discovery, of actually making themselves number one, of getting to know who they are, what brings them joy, and redefining all the thoughts surrounding “why they can’t have/do/want” all the things. To reconnect them with a body that has carried children, or not, has carried them through sickness and health and now just wants to be loved.

There is much to be said about mindset that applies across so many aspects of life but how can a change in mindset improve circumstances, particularly for moms of brain tumor survivors.

This conversation removes the idea of self-care being self-indulgent and explores the small things that can be done to improve outlook and ultimately giving you more power over life’s circumstances. Take a moment to tune in

RAWF also hosts a monthly support group for caregivers of young adult survivors and will be opening up a group for caregivers of children. To find out more, email

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more informational videos.


We are raising $500,000 over the next year to fund four critically needed projects that will drastically improve the quality of life for hypothalamic-pituitary brain tumor survivors.
Will you join us?