Craniopharyngioma (CP) Provider Finder

HomeCraniopharyngioma (CP) Provider Finder

This data has been provided by Komodo Prism which provides a comprehensive view of real-world, patient journey data. HCO’s and providers are represented on patient counts and are by no means an endorsement by the Raymond A. Wood Foundation.

With rare brain tumors and ongoing rare medical conditions, one can make the case that providers that see a higher frequency of patients may have more experience in treatments and support. For questions and inquiries, contact

All data provided is based on diagnosis codes which are used for medical claim reporting in all healthcare settings.


These are the healthcare organizations that have seen the most neurosurgical patients with the ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code D44.4 “neoplasm of uncertain behavior of craniopharyngeal duct” from August 2021 – November 2022 based on the number of health claims data. Providers with the most claims are noted.

Komodo Health Prism 2022


These are the HCO’s that have seen the most patients with the ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code D44.4 “neoplasm of uncertain behavior of craniopharyngeal duct” and E23.9 “hypopituitarism” from August 2021 – November 2022 based on the number of health claims data. Providers with the most claims are noted.

Komodo Health Prism 2022

Diabetes Insipidus

HCO’s that have seen the most patients with the ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code D44.4 “neoplasm of uncertain behavior of craniopharyngeal duct” and E23.2 “diabetes insipidus” from August 2021 – November 2022 based on the number of health claims data. Providers with the most claims are noted.

Komodo Health Prism 2022


HCO’s that have seen the most patients with the ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code D44.4 “neoplasm of uncertain behavior of craniopharyngeal duct” and 27801 “morbid obesity” from August 2021 – November 2022 based on the number of health claims data.

Komodo Health Prism 2022